Saturday, July 21, 2012

Niche Blogging--Earn An Passive Income

Niche blogging is a lucrative and fun way to start earning a passive income. But just like everything else it will take hard work and dedication to make your blogs successful. Just because your blog is up, doesn’t mean the money will start rolling in. In order for you to start making money from your blog, you will need a solid plan of action.

So, you ask yourself “How do I find a plan of action that can start earning me passive income from my blogs?”

The best source I have found is called “The Niche Blogger”. This is a step by step program that covers every aspect of blogging and will teach you on how to start making money. The program was created by a mother of 4 as a way for you to start earning passive income from blogging like she does. The membership is low cost and very well worth the investment to start your blogging career.

When you start trying to earn money from blogging you will run into obstacle, especially being a beginner and you may start to get overwhelmed. So, naturally you are going to look for courses or methods that can help you. Don’t get swept up in the overnight riches that some courses will offer, you need a good model that will guide you from the beginning. 

You want became rich overnight, but eventually money will start trickling in and build up overtime. Before you know it, you can be earning a great part or full- time income from you niche blogs. Before too long you will be quitting your job and reaping the awards of being a blogger.

Once your blog is set up it will start earning you a passive income over time. You will need to dedicate yourself to your blog by tweaking things, adding posts, but for the most part treat your blog likes it’s a job.  Blogging is addicting and fun, so why not have fun while you are making money.

By following The Niche Blogger instructions you will be on your way to becoming a professional blogger and it will be the best decision you have ever made. Niche Blogging is truly the best way for you to generate a passive income.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Online Writing Forums

As a writer, you need to have feedback on your writing. Joining an online writing forum is the best way, you can make friends, get support and also get your work critiqued. Below are some good ones that I have personally joined myself. There are hundreds on the net, just google " online writing forums" and you will find them. You will have to weed out the good ones from the bad, but eventually you find some. Here ya go!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

15 Tips To Add A Little Spice In Your Sex Life

Lets face it sex is a big part of a relationship and if you have been together for along time
your sex life may have became boring and routine. When that happens its time to start
finding new ways to add spice back to your sex life and keep it interesting.

We live in a sexual, kinky world, what works on one couple doesn't necessarily work on another. So don't be afraid to try something new sexually and keep experimenting until you have hit that sexual high with your partner.

Want to add more spice back to your sex life? We have provided 15 tips to help guide you
in the right direction.

Role Play In Bed. Role playing is a great way to add excitement in your sex life. Try being a doctor and nurse, student and professor or whatever your wildest fantasies are. Throw in a sexy costume and props and your on your way to spiceing up your sex life.

Foreplay, Foreplay. Foreplay is one if the best teasers to having great sex. Spend atleast 30 minutes, exploring each other bodies and turning each other on. Before to long you will end up having mind blowing sex.

Dont' make sex so predicatible. Try to avoid “set nights you have sex”. No matter how you life will get busy, avoid the predictibilty and be more unpredicitible. It will prevent you from getting into that same ole boring sex routine.

Be More Flirty. Be more flirty with your partner, make it feel like you just started dating. Tell him how sexy they are, give them passionate kisses or just whisper sweet nothings in there ears. Flirt, Flirt and Flirt.

Sexy toys and lotions. Bring more excitement in your bedroom. Go to your local sex shop and buy some sex toys, lotions and anything else that will get your juices flowing. You will be susprised in how much your sex life will be more exciting.

Bring in fantasies. Everybody has there own fantasies they would like to fullfill, ask your partner what they would like and indulge in them together. Have sex on the beach or sex in the rain.

Susprise Your Lover Sexually. Give your partner a sexual high by susprising them sexually. Rather it be laying naked in the bed when they get home or not wearing any underwear so they can have easy access.

Be More Creative. Think beyond the bed and find more exciting places to have sex. Have sex in your kitchen, bathroom, outside, pool. The places are limitless, let your imagination flow and the sexual rewards will be worth it.

Sexual Massages. Massages are a good way to get you and partner eroused, without focusing on just sex. Let your fingers linger on those tantalizing spots and soon you and your partner will be in orgasmic bliss.

Sexy Texts. You don't have to be with your partner to seduce them. Send them hot, flirty texts during the day or get adventurious by sending them a sexy photo of you. Tease your partner and let them anticipate what is store for them when they get home.

Sexy Clothes. Buy reveling clothes and wear them around your partner. Nothing more arousing then watching your partner accidently reveal something. Invest in some sexy lingerie for some hot, steamy nights.

Make Noises. Hearing your partner moan in pleasure or talking dirty in bed, is one of the biggest turn on's. Be as vocal in the bedroom as you can and watch your partner peform that much better.

Fooling Around. Take time to always be affectionate with your partner, while taking it to a whole new level. Start nippling on there ear while there watching tv or unzip there pants and go down on them. Even if you don't have that “alone time” take advantge of what time you have to be affectionate with one another.

Experiement. Bring in new exciting ways to spice up your sex life. Try new things that you and your partner have never experienced. Rather it be bondage, having sex outside or just plain hot, kinky sex. Don't be afraid to try new things, remember the goal is to keep your sex life exciting.

Different Sexual Positions. Try different sexual positions if can every night, start with one position and move to another one. You will be susprised at how many different sexual positions there are, do research online and find out for yourself. Diffently keeps the bordem out of the bedroom.

Try these 15 tips on how to spice up your sex life and you and your partner will have the sexual high of your life!

10 Tips On How To Keep Your Marriage Happy

You met your soulmate and had the wedding of your dreams. So you assume that your going to live in happily wedding bliss forever. But what happens after a few years, when you start having problems in your marriage? Don't panic and don't assume your heading for divorce. This just means that you and your spouse needs to start taking the steps to rebuilding your marriage. Marriage is hard work and it takes commitment from both partners to make it work. Below are tips to help you move towards a strong and happy marriage.

Always Show Love. Don't let a day go by without telling your spouse that you love them. You will be susprised how a simple “I love you” and a hug will help. Let's face it everyone likes to feel that there loved, so why not let your spouse know as well. Even if its sending little love texts during the day. Its the little things that matters and the more your spouse feels loved, the happier your marriage will be.
Respect, Respect. Respect is one of the key factors to a happy marriage. You give respect, you earn respect in return. Just because you are couple doesn't mean your spouse doesn't have their on ways of doing things. Always respect your spouse's feelings and how they do things, even if you don't always agree with it.

Don't Leave An Agruement Unresolved. I am sure you have heard the old saying ” Never go to bed angry” Well that saying is so true in keeping a happy marriage. Resolve your agruements when they happen, never go to bed angry. Don't be too proud to say “sorry”, if you know you are in the wrong. Sometimes pride gets in the way of couples really wanting to work out there agruements and important things are left unsaid.

Communicate, Communicate. Yet, another key factor to a happy marriage. Without communication, your marriage will evedtually start falling apart. Your spouse can't read your mind, so therefore they want know if something is wrong, so don't be afraid to talk to them. Also just talking to your spouse about their day, will keep keep that communication line open.

Honesty Does The Heart Good. Always be honest with your spouse, even if it means it may hurt them. Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to marriage. Your spouse will love and respect you more and it will bring you that much closer.

Compromises. One time or another everyone evedutally has to make compromises, so why not in your marriage. Let's face it it's not possible to have everything you want, when you want it. You will always disagree in a marriage rather it be about kids, finances, etc. So instead of it leading into agruements, compromise and work together.

Make Your Spouse Feel Appreciated. Always let your spouse know how much you appreciate them. Its nothing worse then your spouse feeling taken for granted and unappreciated.

Spend Alone Time Together. We all know that life, work, kids can get in the way and finding that “alone time” sometimes feels impossible. But you need to be able to take sometime for yourself as a couple. Make a date night once a week, even if its just going out for movie dinner. Just taking that time out for yourselves will only bring you that much closer as a couple.

Spice Up Your Sex Life. Susprisly so, a lot of problems in marriages are due to lack of a sex life. If your love life has hit a rutt, then your spouse is going to feel like you don't find them attractive anymore or that you don't love them like you used to. So, that is where you find fun and exciting ways to spice up your sex life. Do role playing or fantasies that you and your spouse have always wanted to try. Even wearing sexy lingerie to bed, can start heating things up in the bedroom. Just let your imagination go crazy and enjoy the rewards.

Take Time For Youself. Although spending time together as couple is essential, but spending time apart is just as essential in a marriage. There is nothing wrong with having that “alone time” for yourself, even if its just hanging out with your friends or just walking around the mall. Just because you're married doesn't necessarily mean you have to spend 24/7 with them, unless that is what you choose. As the saying goes “ Being apart does the heart good”.

Want more tips on how to save your marriage Click here
to find out just how.

7 Tips For Helping Children Cope With Divorce

Children that are going through a divorce can be stressful, sad and confusing at any age and they may feel angry and resentful towards mom and dad splitting up. As a parent you have to be able to provide the stability in your home and the affection that your children needs to help them cope with a divorce. The biggest key is to stay postive and always be there for your children as they work through the transition of the divorce.
There are ways to help your child adjust to an divorce, 7 tips are stated below to help you do just that.

  1. Let your chilren express their feelings about the divorce, rather it be in anger, hatred, etc. Once your children feel that you are listening to there feelings it will help them feel more secure and loved.
  2. Always keep the line of communciation open with your ex as this will help avoid the stress that comes with watching parents fight and agrue. They will also see that both parents are getting along and it will help reassure them that much more.
  3. Always reassure your children by letting them know that no matter what both parents love them and that it isn't there fault. Even if you have to constantly keeping reminding them of that.
  4. Maintain consistency, keep the routine the same (bedtime,choirs,dinnertime). Children feel safest when things are familiar and consistent.
  5. Be more affectionate. A few extra hugs here and there are just want the doctored ordered. Spend more quailty time with your children, as this will make a difference in your children feeling less scared or lonely.
  6. Stay in contact with your children by calling them everyday if you can, also stay involved in other aspects of there lives ( school functions, holidays, etc). By
    doing so it will let them know that you are still involved in their lives.
  7. Be careful not to drag the children in the middle of you and your Ex's conflicts. Direct issues directly to your Ex and not allow your children to be messenagers. By doing so will only add more stress to their lives and evedtually start making them resentfull.

It often takes two or more years for children to adjust to their parent's divorce. Through love, understanding and keeping constant contact with your children, you will help them adjust to the divorce. Divorce is hard to go through for the adults, but even more so for the children. If you take the 7 tips above to heart and even do more research on how to help your children cope with divorce, you will be on your way to helping your children grown into well adjusted kids and adults.